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About Us

Who are we?

We are coworkers, friends, and family. We are a group of over 25 people from seven different nations who all share the same goal: to provide unforgettable vacation experiences. To accomplish this, we must constantly reinvent ourselves. We think outside the box, whether at business, at home, or in our favourite places (when working remotely). 
We have offices in Ireland, Denmark and the United States and we hope to extend our business all over the world with your help and affection.

We Believe In

Maximum Exposure

helps to promote your property to get more popularity and exposure in Scandinavian countries and other parts of Europe

100% Support System

helps in guiding the homeowners and holidaymakers with proper suggestions.

Partnering Prosperity

building strong bonds with love between homeowners, holidaymakers and our team.

Channelize Feedback

your feedback matters a lot for us which helps us to improve.

100% Business Growth

with the ideas from our team and with proper planning and strategy for marketing leads to successful business for owners.

Our Vision

Our vision is to create a bridge between the homeowners and holidaymakers.